How to install quad skates?
There are various ways provided by Jiangmen Promise Sport Products CO.,LTD to help installation. Professional installation manual is provided by us, in which there are detailed instruction for customers to help install quad skates themselves. You can ask our after-sales service for installation support. They would provide professional installation guidance or send a video for you to install it.

After years of development, Promise Sport has accumulated rich experience in the development, manufacture, and marketing of kids ice skates. Various in styles, Promise Sport's stunt scooter wheels can meet the needs of different customers. As any defect will be completely eliminated during the inspection process, the product is always at the best quality. FOX PRO quad skates can be a great option for boys & girls looking to get into skating for the first time. It gives people the flexibility to create their own space with their own thoughts. This product is a reflection of people's living style. Carbon construction is used in FOX PRO long track ice skating boot.
We always adhere to the philosophy of developing together with our society. We adopt a sustainable development plan and re-adjust the industrial structure so as to protect our environment and conserve resources. Check it!

After years of development, Promise Sport has accumulated rich experience in the development, manufacture, and marketing of kids ice skates. Various in styles, Promise Sport's stunt scooter wheels can meet the needs of different customers. As any defect will be completely eliminated during the inspection process, the product is always at the best quality. FOX PRO quad skates can be a great option for boys & girls looking to get into skating for the first time. It gives people the flexibility to create their own space with their own thoughts. This product is a reflection of people's living style. Carbon construction is used in FOX PRO long track ice skating boot.
We always adhere to the philosophy of developing together with our society. We adopt a sustainable development plan and re-adjust the industrial structure so as to protect our environment and conserve resources. Check it!
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